I have had a rough few months, and things just don't seem to be getting any better. I don't know the last time I actually slept more than 2 hours at a time and just when I thought my hot flashes were gone they have picked back up at night making it even harder to go to sleep once Dominic has fallen asleep.
I have been able to find light in the days that seem so dark and hard, and they are all things about Dominic. I have said it once and I will say it again, its a good thing babies are cute or else mine would be for sale.
Dominic has gotten so big and is walking along furniture and getting into everything, making it really hard to clean up because either he tearing it apart or the moment I touch something he wants to come touch it too. I am proud of his growth but man do I miss the days where he would sit still. He does love to play independently and he lets me leave the room now so that's a plus.
I took this picture to send to Laura so she could show her Disney obsessed dad, aka best friend uncle Bill, to take Dominic to Disney with him some time.

Dominic LOVED his Sophia time the day she came home from the hospital. He was really excited and Im sure he thought she was a new toy for him to play with and wanted to climb on top of her. He actually let me hold her for a while before he got curious and didn't get jealous of me holding "something" other than him. Dominic has a lot of girlfriends these days because no one has boys anymore apparently.

This is before we moved the room around and so the mess is more localized, but this is pretty much how it looks everyday after about 5 minutes of him being up and playing. Hes in the mess there if you can spot him.

He has learned how to pull himself up on the gate and feels trapped everyday... this also occurred about 5 minutes before he threw up.

This is after 2 outfit changes and many vomiting issues, but he was so sad and just wanted to cuddle with me. As much as I loved the cuddles, I felt so bad for him and my heart was heavy and sad worrying about him.

This is what the priesthood can do for you. You go from being so sick to feeling like the same old baby you always were.

He had some turkey on thanksgiving and didn't take a nap that afternoon like he was supposed to and so this is the result... he was so tired that no matter what we did or how we moved him he stayed asleep.

He loves his ikea tunnel, which we now use to block off the kitchen because he keeps getting in there and tearing the place apart.

We finally used all of our Honest diapers and I loved them. They are so cute and I want to order more but they don't sell variety packs unless I get the bundle and I don't really want to spend that much on diapers and wipes for a months supply.

Those bubbles ended up in his mouth.

he loved them!

Now this is something that I am oh so happy and excited about. Although we don't have everything we need we are still going anyway because we are running out of time to visit and I haven't been home in almost 2 years and I miss it there.
I am gone from December 4th -January 10th. Dey joins us from the 17th-2nd and I am so excited to spend time with the family for Christmas.
We have been waiting to bless Dominic until we went home so we can have family there and so that will happy and I will also go through the temple while I am there so my mom and nanny can be there. At least some stuff is happening, but I really hope our clearance can come through before then... its not looking like it but I really hope it does happen.
These are the things that are keeping me going these days as I don't have any energy anymore and I am so tired, but I am so happy that I can find things to make me smile on days when I really don't feel like it,
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