Friday, July 11, 2014

Having Fun

Last week I had the pleasure of accompanying my friend Michelle and her daughter to the swimming pool. I've taken Dominic swimming once before but  it was too cold for him and he didn't like it. This time he took a little while to get used to the water but after a bit he was perfectly ok with it. I love the water and this was a great time for me. No I am not bathing suit ready as my boobs having seemed to quadrupled in size and because I am nursing I'm having issues loosing the rest of the weight... Plus because Dominic wants to eat all the time I have even more milk these days making it seem like I've gained weight. But I won't let that stop me from enjoying something that I love and spending time with my son and having a good time. I don't want to limit myself just because I don't look the way I "should" 

Lyla is turning 6 next week which just shocks me. Where did the time go??? It's hard to believe that she was 3 when I moved out here. 
She is obsessed with Elsa from frozen and they don't have a Disney store back home so every week I've gone to the Disney store looking for something Elsa for her and was finally successful. Josh sent me a picture of her when she got my gift. She was so excited. She also is only holding part of the gift. I love this little girl and miss her like crazy. I cannot wait to see her when we get to go home. 

I also went to the zoo with Michelle and her daughter and bought a membership. It's so worth it because after going twice your membership is paid for. 
This time I got a picture of Dominic in the kangaroo and he didn't seem to mind too much that he was slumped in there. 

Michelle's roommate has a kitten so on Michelle's birthday we went to her house and surprised her with sunflowers, those are ones that she loves, and Dominic met the kitten. He also grabbed the kitten by the scruff of the neck and got a fist full of hair. We tyres to get a good picture of then by each other but both were mesmerized by Michelle and starring at her. 

Dominic is eating solids so I'm doing what I've been told and introducing him to new foods but not more than 2 at a time because if you do too many and they have a reaction you'll have a harder time figuring out which one it is. 
So he's now eating sweet potatoes and actually loves them which is great. So that's a win for sweet potatoes a maybe on apple sauce and a definite no on prunes and carrots unless they are mixed in with his cereal. 

As Dominic has been teething for what seems like since the day he was born, he is putting everything in his mouth. The good things is he's finally using his Sophie but the bad thing is he's wanting to eat everything including his rubber ducky in the tub with gross bath water that he may or may not have peed in. It's a struggle to keep his hand from putting things in his mouth or even just eating everything like food court tables and high chairs. 

This little guy is turning 6 months next week which is crazy to me. But he has been a dream come true and oh so much fun! 

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