Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Bunny Life

When I was younger I used to go to my brothers soccer games all the time. I remember going to one of his games and there were 2 girls there who appeared to have puppies on a leash, and then I realized it wasn't puppies, they were bunnies. That my friends is when my obsession began.
Growing up my parents never let us have pets, and no I don't count fish and either way if I did I didn't get fish until I was 21. So because I was living on my own again I really wanted a bunny because I wouldn't have to worry about taking him out for walks and what not.
So even though we lived in a "pet free" home our landlord let me get a bunny. We named him gustov and then nick named gus gus and then we called him something else but I cant remember, and then it turned into me calling him "bunny" because I just couldn't stick to a name. Michelle calls him George and Lyla called him fyad. I love this bunny. He is not like any other bunny, he is a lionhead rabbit and he has tons of personality. He has been a funny little guy and I love him.
When I got married Dey said that we would have to get rid of bunny and I said no. Then I got pregnant and I still said no. But then Dominic was born and I started to forget about feeding the rabbit and giving him fresh water. I don't pay enough attention to him and he needs lots of love and affection and unfortunately because I cannot give him that I have to get rid of him.
We have been trying to give him away for a few months now and there have been people interested but nothing serious has ever come about it. That is until now.
After being on kijiji for about a month or so some one messaged me about him and is coming by tonight to get him. It is sad to see him go and I have cried about it. I love this bunny and have had him for 2 years this coming weekend. This girl is 15 and saved all of her money (her words not mine) for this rabbit. Shes not taking his cage/accessories so she is getting him cheaper. I am hoping he is happy with her and he learns to love her and that she can spend a lot of time with him and get him used to people again.
I have gone through all of my pictures and uploaded them here

He used to be so little

This was his first real adventure out and about our home back when he could see.

He finally decided to like carrots

I always carried him like a little baby because it kept him calm, plus he was just too cute like this

We would have dates on my bed

His ears are my favorite part

He joined us for Christmas

Sometimes his fur would mat behind his ears and make him look like Alfa Alfa

He wasn't overly happy about getting a bath

He was scared from when we moved into our new place

He always tried to get his treats on top of the cage

He thought that he could hide from me in the little box

He served as our Easter Bunny this year

Friends from afar

One last hang.

Now that he is leaving I want another pet. I want a kitten but who knows if that will ever happen. Until then I will forever remember my very first pet, my very first baby. I love you Bunny!

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Tonight I am posting just because. Mostly because I am ready for bed and Dominic went to sleep early tonight. He had a long nap this afternoon/evening and then we went to the young marrieds activity at church and he didn't all back asleep before we left.
As I said the other day, my baby would be 4 months old in a couple of days.... today is that day. I cannot believe it. With some of my "free" time today I went through all of Dominic's clothes/things and took all of his 0-3 month clothes and paced them up, with the exception of his things he wore home from the hospital; that's in his baby box.
I also put away my maternity clothes with the exception of the few tops I still love to wear and the non maternity clothes I bought that I knew I would be able to wear afterwards.
Looking at all of the clothes he has worn really makes me sad because he will never be that size again and he is only going to grow for the rest of his life. I know he is only 4 months but the time is going by way too fast.
I want more babies too. I told Dey that if I hadn't signed the agreement to go back to work I would try to get pregnant in August... I NEVER want to be pregnant in the summer time for more than the first trimester. I used to also say that the next one, if  a girl, will be the last one but I've given up on that. I'm back to my big family goal.
I was talking to someone tonight who had twins first via C-section and then had another little baby naturally or "VBAC". I asked her how well the doctors handled it and I'm not sure if I will have such willing doctors the next time around but apparently mid wives are really good for trying it out. Maybe I will go that route next time because I do not want a C-section again. It has been 4 months since my c-section and I am still having issues. Last week my scar burst open in the center. It wasn't bad enough that I needed to go to the doctor but it still was pretty deep and bleed a lot. Honestly will I ever stop dealing with this? I had to stop exercising until its fully healed.
I am wanting to lose weight but its hard for me. Part of me is completely content with the way I am/look and then another part of me isn't. I think its a day to day thing. I guess my biggest thing is that I want my pants to fit again. I've come to accept that even though my hips didn't widen enough they still widened some and so not all of my old clothes will fit.
Another thing is that my hair is getting too long. I want a cut so bad. I'm willing to go as short as I can while still being able to have a pony tail. I also want my side bangs back, I think they make my face look thinner.
Anyway I think I've rambled on long enough about random things. Now I will go to sleep!!
Good Night World!

Friday, May 23, 2014

4 Months

Here I am 27 years old as of May 20th, and I am about to have a 4 month old baby boy.
He is amazing to say the least. He is growing up so fast and amazes me at his progress in this world with learning new things.

We went to our 4 month check up on Friday, good thing we went then because a car drove through our doctors office a few days later, and the first thing our doctor said was "I take it he's eating well..."
Dominic weighed 8lbs 5oz. when born, now he weighs 16lbs 5oz. He's pretty much doubled his birth weight. Because he is doing so well the doctor said that we should start him on rice cereal!!
So we have started his cereal, and now his poops stink!!!
Dominic has never been one to like tummy time and it has been a struggle to get him to stay on his tummy. Of course when we were at the doctors she put him on his stomach and he did it perfectly and without fussing... show off!

I've actually had to pack away a lot of his clothes because he is getting too big for them. So I've decided that I'm going to put away all of his 0-3 months clothes so we can start wearing his other things and not have to worry about growing out of them. Also, he poops out a lot of his clothes and I would like to preserve some of his clothes before he stains them beyond removal.

He is starting to enjoy eating his cereal. It was interesting at first because he just spit it out, now he actually eats it, but makes it difficult because he keeps grabbing my hands and ends up with cereal all over his face. Now this picture is a before picture, that's why his face is clean.
I've also decided that I am going to make my own baby food once we get into the fruits and veggies, the meats I'll probably just buy.

I love this onsie and I have been waiting until he has been big enough to wear it. Now he is. It pretty much looks like someone took a picture of him and put it on his shirt... my baby looks like a monkey!

What you cant see is that he has basketball shorts on. All the while wearing this I kept singing "I wish I was a little bit taller I wish I was a baller..." haha

This book is the crunchy type fabric and he loves it because he loves the sound.

He loves his exersaucer and he loves his blanket.

Dominic is starting to roll from front to back when he is doing tummy time and he tries to roll from back to front while in the tub. Its a challenge trying to get him to keep his bum down.
He is growing up so fast and learning so much. My baby doesn't really seem like a baby anymore.
But there's not a lot I can do about him growing. As much as I cannot wait to see him grow before my eyes I want him to stay small. But as long as he is healthy there is nothing more I could ask for!

Friday, May 16, 2014


Lately I have been having a few down days and have been feeling a little blue. Im not sure if its because I am home most of the time and I am getting cabin fever or if its because I haven't been getting as much sleep as I used to. Either way I have had some off days.
Dominic has been fussy lately and it is making things a bit more difficult and taking a toll on me and in return I am getting frustrated more easily.
The most frustrating thing is that Dey and I are coming up on our 1 year anniversary (crazy I know!) and we have been planning on getting sealed in NS this summer. However, Dey has been married before and got married in the Temple so in order for us to get sealed he needs to get a sealing clearance. This is something that we have been asking our bishop about for months now and wondering when and how we can start the process. It has taken the bishop months to get back to us and it turns out we aren't allowed to make an application until we have hit the 1 year mark and he says we cant even start the process until then either. Now the worst part is that we need a letter from Deys ex and she is very vindictive and will probably take her sweet time doing it, or wont do it at all. And if she refuses then Dey has to write a letter, but the bishop says that he has to ask his ex for the letter. I don't understand why we cant just request it now and so that way it wont take as long.
I want to go home so badly. I haven't been home in about a year and half plus I want to get sealed already. I can already feel the adversary trying to thwart our progress and it is really frustrating.
I want this so bad and I cannot wait until it happens. I want to go home in August but it might not be that quick. I have been praying for it to go by quickly and easily, and I have asked my mom to pray as well. We could use all the prayers there are out there to hopefully help make this a smooth and quick process. I miss family and I want to see them, but most importantly I want to make my little family a forever family.

Now tonight is the Backstreet Boys Concert and I am oh so excited about going. It will be my 4th time seeing them, but my first time seeing them with Kevin and in Calgary. I love them and I cannot wait for it. This will be the first time I'm leaving Dominic with someone other than Dey and for more than an hour and I am getting very anxious about it.
We are leaving him with Michelle who I trust fully and I have the utmost confidence in for taking care of Dominic, she is so loving and attentive I know that things will be fine, but I am having the hardest time wanting to leave. I love my son and have been around him everyday. I know I need to leave him eventually but it's still hard. I really want to go but I might cry a little before I leave.
I've heard people say this is normal but it doesn't feel normal right now, I feel like I'm an idiot for feeling this way but I cant help it. He has been apart of me for almost a year now (conception-present) and I just cant imagine spending a night away from him.
So hopefully things go smoothly tonight!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Crafting Up a Storm

Since I have had Dominic I haven't been getting out much and so I have been stuck inside doing nothing. I started baking because it is something I never really did before and thought I would give it a try. Well, then I was baking and eating everything all the time and that just isn't good for my waist line. I wont lose weight by eating cookies all day.
I decided to look online and see what things I could do at home and I came across some crafts that would be easy to do.
So I went to Walmart and bought supplies.

Now I'm sure if someone else did this vase it would look so much better because I'm not the best at crafting, but I try.

I decided that doing these glasses would be fun, and then I realize we will always have to use straws to drink out of them or else we would have sparkles in our mouths.

I saw this online and I wanted to do it. Now the one I saw was way better than mine but, hey at least I'm doing something.

I made these mugs as well. One says "The Riveras est. 2013" and the other says "Live. Laugh. Love"

I did this giant D and I love it! I want to get something else to put on it, like a little sail boat or something but for right now this is what I have done.

There are more at home crafts that I want to do but I just don't have the supplies yet, and well it cost money to make things.
Either way no matter what I do its costing me money or my waist. But man am I happy I am doing these things. Maybe one day I will be so crafty and bake all the time.
Just Call me Martha!

Monday, May 12, 2014


In the fall of 2008 I received a letter from a guy who was on his mission in Utah serving with my best friend Cortney. Cortney and I would talk about her getting missionaries to write me because I was single and because I wanted to write a missionary who wasn't "off limits."
Once I got the letter I thought it would be a good idea to write him back, his name was Chris Hamer. For months afterwards, almost a year, we wrote each other and shared our goals and dreams and wanted to meet each other at some point after he got home.
There came a time when I got caught up in my own life and we drifted apart, but every once and a while would be connect via facebook or text messaging and would talk for hours and it would be as if no time had passed at all.
Chris started to drift away from the church, as a lot of people do, and he moved back home with his family.... he went to Utah after his mission.
Almost 2 years ago I got a call from Cortney and Chris had died. They were best friends and she knew that I had a place in my heart for him, and she told me what happened. He flipped his car off the road into a corn field and passed away along with his family dog.
His family couldn't find him at first, but after a couple days they did.
My heart broke for his family and his friends, and even for myself. I didn't know him like some others did but I knew him from all of his letters. I always wanted to meet him and am sad that I never got the chance to do so.

A couple months ago Cortney posted a link to Amazon and it was for a book that Chris's mother wrote about his death. I ordered it and it just came today.
I started reading it this morning and I didn't get too far and I was already in tears.
I don't know how anyone could ever cope with losing their child at such a young age.
So today I am remembering Chris who I know I will meet in the next life and thank him for all of his kind words and encouragement when he was here on earth.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My Life is Changing

When I was pregnant I gained some weight. Yes you are supposed to gain weight, but I gained more than what was "normal/expected" of me. Since giving birth I dropped about 30lbs within 3 weeks which is to be expected.
It took me a little while to get motivated to lose weight because of the C-section so it was harder and because I just didn't feel comfortable/confident to do anything.
Now that I am starting to feel better about myself I've been working on getting fit and trying to lose some more weight, mostly because according to my doctor I was overweight before I even got pregnant... stupid butt head.
I started off doing the 30 day squat challenge and by the end of it I could totally see a difference. My tushy doesn't look as bad as before.

Now that the squat challenge is done I'm working on the 30 day AB challenge. I need to work on getting my stomach down. Maybe when this is done I will be able to fit more comfortably in my old clothes... mostly my pants. I am trying to not have to buy any pants because I have like 6 pairs of jeans/pants that I really like and I don't want to get rid of. 

Since the weather has been nicer.... well some days its been nicer, right now we have been cold and getting snow... thank you mother nature for impeding my walking time.... I've been trying to go out and walk even if its only a short distance. I love the sunshine and the fresh air and so does Dominic.

Lately Dominic has been fussing a lot more frequently and especially when in public settings like church. I have a carrier which is AWESOME for when we go out for a walk and I don't want to push a stroller around. Dey really likes the carrier as well.
The other day I was reading my friend Katherine's blog about her flying to Halifax and that her mother in law made her a carrier that is similar to the "Moby Wrap" and how well it worked. I was intrigued so I looked up what it was because I had no idea, and then I decided to make one myself. I decided that I would use this one for church because its not as bulky as our other one and because I got a nice fabric that will look fancier with my church clothes.

Dominic fell asleep in it pretty quickly and I was able to finish making my no back energy balls in the kitchen. It is also really comfortable to sit down with.
Now we will still be using our other carrier as well because its great and you can put it on your back once he gets a little bigger and like I said, Dey really loves it!!
I need to occupy myself with other things than just baking because it really isn't helping me lose weight!
I'm thinking because the fabric store is so close to my house I'm going to have to start making more things, which means I might just have to get a sewing machine as well.
Look at me being all domesticated... who would have thought?