1. I've come to realize that my chest-size...
is perfect just the way it is... popping out of my shirt haha j/k
2. I've come to realize that my job...
gives me ZERO satisfaction
3. I've come to realize that when I'm driving...
i like to flirt with my 22 year old driving instructor!
4. I've come to realize that I need...
get rid of some clothes in my closet so that laura can have somethings new to wear
5. I've come to realize that I have lost...
space in my own room... thank jewel for graciously giving me ONE drawer!
6. I've come to realize that I hate it when...
people say that i told them information that i didnt even know in the first place so that their gossiping doesnt seem so bad.
7. I've come to realize that if I'm drunk...
the dome has betrayed me haha
8. I've come to realize that money...
although i would like it to, does not grow on the tree in my backyard
9. I've come to realize that certain people...
need to come home... dad where you be yo?
10. I've come to realize that I'll always...
be a shopoholic.. thank you laura for pointing that out!
11. I've come to realize that my sibling(s)...
well josh is cool... jeremy i dont know about because i havent seen him in almost 3 years!
12. I've come to realize that my mom...
is just like my grandmother... this comment has made her cry her before. thank you josh on christmas eve!
13. I've come to realize that my cell phone...
is not another appendage
14. I've come to realize that when I woke up this morning...
that i have to go back to work on monday and i dont want to
15. I've come to realize last night before I went to sleep...
that nyquil is drowsy!
16. I've come to realize that right now I am thinking...
laura made me do this survey and i am sorry
17. I've come to realize that my dad...
is still not home... and also not really funny but i laugh at his jokes anyway
18. I've come to realize that when I get on Facebook...
no one has written on my wall... but i still go on anyway.
19. I've come to realize that today…
is another day that i did not figure out how to slow down time
20. I've come to realize that tonight...
laura "needed" a friend and i had to leave a party because of it
21. I've come to realize that tomorrow...
i will have no friends at general conference for the first time ever
22. I've come to realize that I really want to...
go to utah to see corty and i guess my brother too
23. I've come to realize that my butt...
will never grow.. it will forever and always be nonexistant
24. I've come to realize that life...
needs to be more eventful
25. I've come to realize that this weekend...
is not a long enough break from the slavery
26. I've come to realize that marriage...
is very far off in the maybe distant future
27. I've come to realize that my friends...
dont love me that much or else they would have stayed here... with the exception of laura
28. I've come to realize that this year...
has produced ZERO relationships... not surprised considering my options
29. I've come to realize that my ex is...
very unsure how a first kiss should go... unless you like fish out of water sucking for air all over your face! his name rhymes with spark! which our relationship was lacking many of...
30. I've come to realize that maybe I should...
get a big girl job... any suggestions?
31. I've come to realize that I love...
pretty much all the same things i did when i was little
32. I've come to realize that I don't understand...
why nova scotia is on the other side of the country
33. I've come to realize my past...
should always stay in the past
34. I've come to realize that parties...
arent always a good idea
35. I've come to realize that I'm totally terrified...
of not being good enough.
see ya in another couple of months! hahaha
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Mondays on Vaycay... not so bad!
yesterday, and today, have been pretty mellow... and Im ok with that.
yesterday all I did yesterday was get up, and hung out with carli for a bit. We watched high school musical... the first one. Its not as good as the second and third, but I still love it! It did make me think of laura and how much I miss her!!!! I cannot wait to see her when I get back... but the thought of going home is sad for me. This saturday will be the last time I see corty while on this trip and that makes me sad.
WEll, after HSM I went for an hour long walk. It was pretty nice, and I some how made it back to the house and didnt get lost. My knee afterwards was a little tight, but no pain!! YAY!!
After my walk I came home and watched some of a video from Drew and Tiffany's wedding. It was funny!!! I wish I could've been there thats for sure!!!
I also that night got to be apart of the gift opening, and it was pretty fun!!
Cort, Skyler and I just hung out in cortys room afterwards and talked about the campout that we are going to have on thursday night! Can't wait!!!
Here's a pic from the wedding!!!

Today clint, liz and carli left for pintcher creek, so I've been home alone all day. I sat outside and tanned for a bit, I watched "Sister Act 1" and got caught up on the latest episodes of big brother!
It's been nice just lounging around, but also kinda boring when there is no one to talk to at all and the fact that I'm not in my oun house makes things a little more difficult!!
Tonight, corty and I are going to go get drinks at Joeys restaurant and look pretty!! so it should be fun!!
Pictures from the photoshoot the other day are now posted on facebook!!
peace out home fry
yesterday all I did yesterday was get up, and hung out with carli for a bit. We watched high school musical... the first one. Its not as good as the second and third, but I still love it! It did make me think of laura and how much I miss her!!!! I cannot wait to see her when I get back... but the thought of going home is sad for me. This saturday will be the last time I see corty while on this trip and that makes me sad.
WEll, after HSM I went for an hour long walk. It was pretty nice, and I some how made it back to the house and didnt get lost. My knee afterwards was a little tight, but no pain!! YAY!!
After my walk I came home and watched some of a video from Drew and Tiffany's wedding. It was funny!!! I wish I could've been there thats for sure!!!
I also that night got to be apart of the gift opening, and it was pretty fun!!
Cort, Skyler and I just hung out in cortys room afterwards and talked about the campout that we are going to have on thursday night! Can't wait!!!
Here's a pic from the wedding!!!
Today clint, liz and carli left for pintcher creek, so I've been home alone all day. I sat outside and tanned for a bit, I watched "Sister Act 1" and got caught up on the latest episodes of big brother!
It's been nice just lounging around, but also kinda boring when there is no one to talk to at all and the fact that I'm not in my oun house makes things a little more difficult!!
Tonight, corty and I are going to go get drinks at Joeys restaurant and look pretty!! so it should be fun!!
Pictures from the photoshoot the other day are now posted on facebook!!
peace out home fry
Monday, July 26, 2010
Vacay update!
Saturday I went to my very first rugby game... AND I LOVED IT!! It was cortneys brother skylers game. After the game we went to capitol ex and went on some rides... got some henna and just had loads of fun. When we got back home he fell asleep on the couch and I fell asleep on the floor! I didnt sleep much the night before, and he had played all day so we were pooped!
When we woke up we watched FAME.. it was ok, odds of me buying it??? rather slim but with me you never know hahah!
After the movie we were roasting because it was super hot out, so we decided to sit in the little kiddie pool, then corty joined and carli as well! skyler was the only on with a swimsuit on so it was pretty funny! the funniest part was that we got really cold and we loaded the jacuzzi tub with bubbles and the 4 of us hopped on in! hahahaha there are pictures that will later be posted on facebook! people will judge but I dont care!
onto sunday... I got up got ready and went to church. It was once again super hot but theres no humidty so thats a plus!! after we got home and took a nap and had dinner, corty wanted to do a photo shoot of me... so we did. there are like 400 pics and they will be posted soon!!
but for right now heres a little sneek peek!!

When we woke up we watched FAME.. it was ok, odds of me buying it??? rather slim but with me you never know hahah!
After the movie we were roasting because it was super hot out, so we decided to sit in the little kiddie pool, then corty joined and carli as well! skyler was the only on with a swimsuit on so it was pretty funny! the funniest part was that we got really cold and we loaded the jacuzzi tub with bubbles and the 4 of us hopped on in! hahahaha there are pictures that will later be posted on facebook! people will judge but I dont care!
onto sunday... I got up got ready and went to church. It was once again super hot but theres no humidty so thats a plus!! after we got home and took a nap and had dinner, corty wanted to do a photo shoot of me... so we did. there are like 400 pics and they will be posted soon!!
but for right now heres a little sneek peek!!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Day 3: Blind Date Disaster!
Day 3 brought on some interesting things thats for sure. I got to watch carli wash their dog dolly.. and well dolly did not enjoy that at all! it made for a good laugh thats for sure!
well, on to the date disater.. cort set me up with some guy and she was going to go with his friend. well the friend, robbie, showed up to get us and well my date brock wasnt off work yet so he was going to meet us at the party... well he came to the party but that girl who hes kinda dating was there as well.. so I got an introduction and that was about it! I didnt even leave with him. I left with other friends and we hung out and had some fun. I forgot how much I loved it here and just going to parties and hanging out with friends like this. not that I dont like hanging with friends back home, but lets face it, I dont have very many friends back home who will go out and go to parties and do stupid random things.
So the blind date was a disaster but it turned out better as the night went on and I got to see other people I havent seen yet. I didnt get home until 3am and fell asleep at 4am and got up at 6am. surprisingly Im not even tired.
Today I am going to skylers rugby game and then going to capital ex and then to the taste of edmonton. cant wait to see how this pans out... I will keep you updated!
Pics are on facebook!
peace out home slice!
well, on to the date disater.. cort set me up with some guy and she was going to go with his friend. well the friend, robbie, showed up to get us and well my date brock wasnt off work yet so he was going to meet us at the party... well he came to the party but that girl who hes kinda dating was there as well.. so I got an introduction and that was about it! I didnt even leave with him. I left with other friends and we hung out and had some fun. I forgot how much I loved it here and just going to parties and hanging out with friends like this. not that I dont like hanging with friends back home, but lets face it, I dont have very many friends back home who will go out and go to parties and do stupid random things.
So the blind date was a disaster but it turned out better as the night went on and I got to see other people I havent seen yet. I didnt get home until 3am and fell asleep at 4am and got up at 6am. surprisingly Im not even tired.
Today I am going to skylers rugby game and then going to capital ex and then to the taste of edmonton. cant wait to see how this pans out... I will keep you updated!
Pics are on facebook!
peace out home slice!
Friday, July 23, 2010
On Wednesday, July 21st, 2010 at 12:30pm mountain standard time, I Vanessa was reunited with my bestest friend of all time after 2 and a half years! It was an awesome reunion in the edmonton international airport.
Let me start back where the story begins... about 4 months ago I bought my plane ticket, round trip for 26 days, for 407$ with tax! so that was pretty awesome! from that point the countdown began, and people thought I was crazy for counting down so soon when I still had 4 months to go. but I didnt care at all! I was ubber excited to see cortney after sooo long!
Well the 4 months went by pretty quickly, although at the time it didnt seem that time was moving at all.
Tuesday night I went to a party for a friend of mine who I work with named tresa whos from ireland and was going back there soon. There were a lot of co-workers there and well yes some were drinking, and some were not... I clearly was apart of the not drinking crew... but heres the thing... I get a little strange when people around me are drinking, like I get more hyper for some reason, and do strange things... like KISS A BOY WHO I WORK WITH! Heres the other thing... I'm his supervisor.... WOOPS!
Once I got home I immediately started to pack, because I hadnt done that yet and was leaving at 6:30am for the airport. so I packed and then I was on the computer where I ended up talking for hours with james baker, and there ended up being a proposal and a kiss via internet hahaha it was rather interesting thats for sure... I'm not complaining in any way hahaha he's cute!
Well I slept for about an hour after being up for 23 hours, and then headed to the airport where the check in lady was sooooo slow and stupid that my dad was waiting for me to check in, even though I told him to leave multiple times, got a parking ticket for parking ilegally! yup! barry did a no no at the airport!
so I took off and for the first hour and a half I had no one sitting next to me, and I prayed that when we stopped in montreal to pick up more passengers that I would still be sitting alone... NOPE! I got stuck next to a old french married couple who kept giving me dirty looks!! I think it was because I was next to the window and they werent!
I did fall asleep on the plane for a bit... with my mouth wide open I might add... I woke myself up a few times because my mouth got dry and I couldnt breathe! haha I know, it was pretty attractive!
So we finally land in edmonton, and we are on time and we go to get off the plane but for some reason no one is vacating the area... we wait and we wait and then 20 minutes later the flight attendant says over the PA system "sorry for the wait, but the customer service representative is having some difficulties connecting the plane to the gate." SERIOUSLY!!! isnt that youre job, and havent you done it like a 1000 times already! freak!! I was sooo not impressed! mostly because I had to pee really bad!
so I got off the plane and went to the bathroom and then practically ran down the stairs, and through the rather slow automatic doors (I helped open them because they were sooooo slow) it was like a scene straight out of the movies where one person dropps their luggage and runs to the person running at them and give each other the biggest hug of all time!!!! it was awesome!!! Im sooo happy I get to spend time with my best friend!!!
DAY 1: we went to ikea for lunch when I got off the plane, and then corty had to go back to work, so we dropped her off, and then I went back to their place and fell asleep from 3pm-9pm! I was sleepy! haha we then went to the movies with cortys brother skyler. we saw inception! it was pretty good. at first I was a little bored with it, but then I started to really enjoy it. I dont think its as amazing as people are saying, but its still pretty cool and good... I might buy it one day! haha after the movie we came back home and it was 1am but we talked for about an hour and then went to sleep.
DAY 2: corty went to work and I went shopping with sheila! lets just say I spent more than I thought I would, but when its only 5% tax vs 15% youve gotta take advantage. plus there are stores here that we dont have back home so I had to buy things. but my shopping days are done! I seriously spent 5 hours at the mall... it was pretty crazy!
corty came and got me from the mall and then we went home and got ready to hang out with skyler and shaun (the firefighter shes sorta seeing) we went to dinner which was a scene all on its own! it was pretty awesome! we came home and went to sleep after.
today is day 3 and so far Ive gotten woken up with a text from my friend taylor saying that shes eating my ice cream cake that I left at work, and I said ok and now thats all I want! Its only 9:30am here and I am wide awake and ready for the day to begin. So far I dont have plans until tonight when Im going on a date. HOLLA! haha
during this whole thing though, and for the past few weeks Ive really missed my best friend laura! I cannot wait to see her the day I get back!! I love her!
until next time, and Im sure while Im here there will be a next time, audios!
Let me start back where the story begins... about 4 months ago I bought my plane ticket, round trip for 26 days, for 407$ with tax! so that was pretty awesome! from that point the countdown began, and people thought I was crazy for counting down so soon when I still had 4 months to go. but I didnt care at all! I was ubber excited to see cortney after sooo long!
Well the 4 months went by pretty quickly, although at the time it didnt seem that time was moving at all.
Tuesday night I went to a party for a friend of mine who I work with named tresa whos from ireland and was going back there soon. There were a lot of co-workers there and well yes some were drinking, and some were not... I clearly was apart of the not drinking crew... but heres the thing... I get a little strange when people around me are drinking, like I get more hyper for some reason, and do strange things... like KISS A BOY WHO I WORK WITH! Heres the other thing... I'm his supervisor.... WOOPS!
Once I got home I immediately started to pack, because I hadnt done that yet and was leaving at 6:30am for the airport. so I packed and then I was on the computer where I ended up talking for hours with james baker, and there ended up being a proposal and a kiss via internet hahaha it was rather interesting thats for sure... I'm not complaining in any way hahaha he's cute!
Well I slept for about an hour after being up for 23 hours, and then headed to the airport where the check in lady was sooooo slow and stupid that my dad was waiting for me to check in, even though I told him to leave multiple times, got a parking ticket for parking ilegally! yup! barry did a no no at the airport!
so I took off and for the first hour and a half I had no one sitting next to me, and I prayed that when we stopped in montreal to pick up more passengers that I would still be sitting alone... NOPE! I got stuck next to a old french married couple who kept giving me dirty looks!! I think it was because I was next to the window and they werent!
I did fall asleep on the plane for a bit... with my mouth wide open I might add... I woke myself up a few times because my mouth got dry and I couldnt breathe! haha I know, it was pretty attractive!
So we finally land in edmonton, and we are on time and we go to get off the plane but for some reason no one is vacating the area... we wait and we wait and then 20 minutes later the flight attendant says over the PA system "sorry for the wait, but the customer service representative is having some difficulties connecting the plane to the gate." SERIOUSLY!!! isnt that youre job, and havent you done it like a 1000 times already! freak!! I was sooo not impressed! mostly because I had to pee really bad!
so I got off the plane and went to the bathroom and then practically ran down the stairs, and through the rather slow automatic doors (I helped open them because they were sooooo slow) it was like a scene straight out of the movies where one person dropps their luggage and runs to the person running at them and give each other the biggest hug of all time!!!! it was awesome!!! Im sooo happy I get to spend time with my best friend!!!
DAY 1: we went to ikea for lunch when I got off the plane, and then corty had to go back to work, so we dropped her off, and then I went back to their place and fell asleep from 3pm-9pm! I was sleepy! haha we then went to the movies with cortys brother skyler. we saw inception! it was pretty good. at first I was a little bored with it, but then I started to really enjoy it. I dont think its as amazing as people are saying, but its still pretty cool and good... I might buy it one day! haha after the movie we came back home and it was 1am but we talked for about an hour and then went to sleep.
DAY 2: corty went to work and I went shopping with sheila! lets just say I spent more than I thought I would, but when its only 5% tax vs 15% youve gotta take advantage. plus there are stores here that we dont have back home so I had to buy things. but my shopping days are done! I seriously spent 5 hours at the mall... it was pretty crazy!
corty came and got me from the mall and then we went home and got ready to hang out with skyler and shaun (the firefighter shes sorta seeing) we went to dinner which was a scene all on its own! it was pretty awesome! we came home and went to sleep after.
today is day 3 and so far Ive gotten woken up with a text from my friend taylor saying that shes eating my ice cream cake that I left at work, and I said ok and now thats all I want! Its only 9:30am here and I am wide awake and ready for the day to begin. So far I dont have plans until tonight when Im going on a date. HOLLA! haha
during this whole thing though, and for the past few weeks Ive really missed my best friend laura! I cannot wait to see her the day I get back!! I love her!
until next time, and Im sure while Im here there will be a next time, audios!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Quick Post.... With question at the end!
Yes, this is yetanother post from my phone because let's face it, my bed is more comfortable than the computer chair.
Remember when my credit card was paid off!? Well, so much for that because I was sooo poor that I had to use it. Multiple times.... Eeeek! So now its back to paying it off. I really wouldn't have used it if I hadn't of had a birthday weekend without working, and then my knee went crazy so that meant more time off. Hence the credit card swipage.
So... I need some new music for my ipod, so I am asking all of you... What are some good songs to download!?
Good evening peeps!!
Remember when my credit card was paid off!? Well, so much for that because I was sooo poor that I had to use it. Multiple times.... Eeeek! So now its back to paying it off. I really wouldn't have used it if I hadn't of had a birthday weekend without working, and then my knee went crazy so that meant more time off. Hence the credit card swipage.
So... I need some new music for my ipod, so I am asking all of you... What are some good songs to download!?
Good evening peeps!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
On a lighter note...
Today I realized that I apparently have a few guilty pleasures as of late, and they go as follows:
1.Reading Cosmo

2.Eating Popcorn... well who doesnt love popcorn!? I just seem to be eating it a lot lately, therefore it is one of my guilty pleasures. Also, I know Im weird, but I prefer to eat popcorn while drinking milk. Weird I know, but that is me.

3.Watching Gilmore Girls (I have recently purchased the entire series, because lets face it, I LOVE MOVIES AND TV SHOWS!

4.The music video & song "Can't be tamed" by Miley Cyrus. Yes I know, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE YOUTH OF TODAY!? I dont really know, but what I DO know is that this song is rather catchy. I do not like Miley AT ALL, but this song has just got to me.
Well, today these are my guilty pleasures, and they will continue for a little while. I hope you enjoyed!
1.Reading Cosmo

2.Eating Popcorn... well who doesnt love popcorn!? I just seem to be eating it a lot lately, therefore it is one of my guilty pleasures. Also, I know Im weird, but I prefer to eat popcorn while drinking milk. Weird I know, but that is me.

3.Watching Gilmore Girls (I have recently purchased the entire series, because lets face it, I LOVE MOVIES AND TV SHOWS!

4.The music video & song "Can't be tamed" by Miley Cyrus. Yes I know, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE YOUTH OF TODAY!? I dont really know, but what I DO know is that this song is rather catchy. I do not like Miley AT ALL, but this song has just got to me.
Well, today these are my guilty pleasures, and they will continue for a little while. I hope you enjoyed!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Chapter 1: Let the sadness sink in.
What do you do when the guy you wanted to be with left and didnt come back!?
What do you do when you find out he is in fact coming back, months later, and has a girlfriend!?
How do you deal with the fact that all the feelings you forgot about and forced youself not to feel came rushing back!?
How do handle the fact that even though he begged you to be his friend and hang out when he got back he doesnt seem to care or want to put forth an effort to be friends!?
How do you get rid of the hold he has on you!?
How do you tell him how you feel!?
This is how I feel.
The End!
What do you do when you find out he is in fact coming back, months later, and has a girlfriend!?
How do you deal with the fact that all the feelings you forgot about and forced youself not to feel came rushing back!?
How do handle the fact that even though he begged you to be his friend and hang out when he got back he doesnt seem to care or want to put forth an effort to be friends!?
How do you get rid of the hold he has on you!?
How do you tell him how you feel!?
This is how I feel.
The End!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Just Another Manic Monday...
This morning I got to wake up earlier than I really wanted to because today was the day that I got to go see Dr. Vanougalpal (don't ask me if thats the correct spelling because I have no sweet clue.) It was my first time going to see an orthopedic surgeon and well I was a little anxious, because I dont go to the doctors that often and they always make me nervous and I have this fear that they aren't going to believe me. Well, this lady came into my room and she was holding a needle and filling it with someone and for those who don't know me that well, NEEDLES ARE MY BIGGEST FEAR! I literally jumped back and went "Is that for me!?" Pure terror on my face and in my voice and I think she realized because she immediately vacated the room. My heart was pounding sooo hard!
Dr.V (thats what Im calling him) sent me off to x-rays where I was lucky enough to have my first real x-ray done by none other than LAURA!! It was pretty cool. I was also her first patient to actually say something to her. Laura was a great x-ray tech although her fingers were EXTREMELY cold.
When I went back to the room to see Dr.V they pulled my x-rays up on the computer screen and well I took a pic with my phone while no one was watching. Its not the best quality but hey, I had to have proof because Ive never had an x-ray done before except at the dentist but that doesnt really count.

Also when I got back to the room they made me put on a hospital gown, which I also have never had to do before. Let me tell you, they are no fun... they are kinda breezy!
So the verdict of my poor knee is that I have tendonitis and my knee is twisting inward but needs to be twisting outward so I have to see a physiotherapist and do a million different types of stretches and also have to ice my knee 4 times a day. Not to mention that I have to re-train my knee to walk a different way. Sooo not an easy thing to do thats for sure. It is taking A LOT of focus and it just makes me look funny.
This evening for dinner I took my momma out to East Side Marios for her mothers day gift. Yes I know it's a little late but thats because I never really have had the time or the money to take her out. But alas it was good time. I ordered the Cheese Capalletti, which Laura introduced me to (wow laura you are getting a lot of shout outs in my entries lately). Our server also thought that my mom was my older sister. Funny I know! I thought that only really happened in movies when guys hit on the girls. But apparently sometimes movies aren't always ficticious, and well the server was a girl, so dad you can rest peacefully knowing that no one was hitting on or trying to pick up my mother. If they did I probably would've asked "Why her and not me!? I'm only 23 and she's 49!!" haha
Well, one last thing. My camera broke. Which is kinda nice because I wanted a knew one, aka a better one, but I didnt want to hurt my parents feelings over it because they bought me my current one 2.5 years ago, but it kinda sucks. It doesnt even pick up sound for videos. So since my parents haven't gotten me anything for my birthday yet, they are going to chip in with my new camera and I have a possibilty of 2 that I want. So I can't wait to get it because I have a trip coming up next month and a concert that Im going to and will NEED to take pictures!
So this will be it for today. Its off to bed seeing that I have to work in the AM tomorrow, very early AM that is, and well I didnt sleep well last night so I need sleep tonight.
So farewell my dear people of blog world and goodnight!
Dr.V (thats what Im calling him) sent me off to x-rays where I was lucky enough to have my first real x-ray done by none other than LAURA!! It was pretty cool. I was also her first patient to actually say something to her. Laura was a great x-ray tech although her fingers were EXTREMELY cold.
When I went back to the room to see Dr.V they pulled my x-rays up on the computer screen and well I took a pic with my phone while no one was watching. Its not the best quality but hey, I had to have proof because Ive never had an x-ray done before except at the dentist but that doesnt really count.

Also when I got back to the room they made me put on a hospital gown, which I also have never had to do before. Let me tell you, they are no fun... they are kinda breezy!
So the verdict of my poor knee is that I have tendonitis and my knee is twisting inward but needs to be twisting outward so I have to see a physiotherapist and do a million different types of stretches and also have to ice my knee 4 times a day. Not to mention that I have to re-train my knee to walk a different way. Sooo not an easy thing to do thats for sure. It is taking A LOT of focus and it just makes me look funny.
This evening for dinner I took my momma out to East Side Marios for her mothers day gift. Yes I know it's a little late but thats because I never really have had the time or the money to take her out. But alas it was good time. I ordered the Cheese Capalletti, which Laura introduced me to (wow laura you are getting a lot of shout outs in my entries lately). Our server also thought that my mom was my older sister. Funny I know! I thought that only really happened in movies when guys hit on the girls. But apparently sometimes movies aren't always ficticious, and well the server was a girl, so dad you can rest peacefully knowing that no one was hitting on or trying to pick up my mother. If they did I probably would've asked "Why her and not me!? I'm only 23 and she's 49!!" haha
Well, one last thing. My camera broke. Which is kinda nice because I wanted a knew one, aka a better one, but I didnt want to hurt my parents feelings over it because they bought me my current one 2.5 years ago, but it kinda sucks. It doesnt even pick up sound for videos. So since my parents haven't gotten me anything for my birthday yet, they are going to chip in with my new camera and I have a possibilty of 2 that I want. So I can't wait to get it because I have a trip coming up next month and a concert that Im going to and will NEED to take pictures!
So this will be it for today. Its off to bed seeing that I have to work in the AM tomorrow, very early AM that is, and well I didnt sleep well last night so I need sleep tonight.
So farewell my dear people of blog world and goodnight!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Posting from my phone...
So I'm posting from my phone because I don't want to get out of bed and go to the computer.
So today I had to take the bus to church and while I was waiting I saw this really cool looking jeep and as he drove by I noticed that it was an austrailian kind of jeep, meaning that the steering wheel was on the righthand side. I was instantly in love! When we were leaving the passage I also saw a nun running to church. Yes there are nuns and munks in eastern passage and seeing the nun made me grateful for the fact that I get to wear whatever I want to church instead of an atire I have to wear.
As I got to church I got more and more anxious because I knew that there woiuld be an old "friend" who would be there. We hadn't seen each other since his birthday in december and well seeing him brought back a lot of feelings that I didn't expect to feel. It also sucked because I went to his house for dinner and I got this vibe that he hated me so I called him out on it via text messaging because he vacated the room and went upstairs. Well, he said he didn't hate me, but he still wouldn't really talk to me. I was on the verge of tears all night because all I wanted to do was run up to him and not let him go. Too bad he's apparently got a girlfriend now.
Overall today was not the day I wanted it to be and I still just want to tell him straight up how I'm feeling, but its not in me to do such things.
So, to all of you bloggers out there, I beseech thee, and ask: should I just man up and tell him? Or do I sit back and hope that he might still have feelings for me too?
Please please PLEASE let me know!
So today I had to take the bus to church and while I was waiting I saw this really cool looking jeep and as he drove by I noticed that it was an austrailian kind of jeep, meaning that the steering wheel was on the righthand side. I was instantly in love! When we were leaving the passage I also saw a nun running to church. Yes there are nuns and munks in eastern passage and seeing the nun made me grateful for the fact that I get to wear whatever I want to church instead of an atire I have to wear.
As I got to church I got more and more anxious because I knew that there woiuld be an old "friend" who would be there. We hadn't seen each other since his birthday in december and well seeing him brought back a lot of feelings that I didn't expect to feel. It also sucked because I went to his house for dinner and I got this vibe that he hated me so I called him out on it via text messaging because he vacated the room and went upstairs. Well, he said he didn't hate me, but he still wouldn't really talk to me. I was on the verge of tears all night because all I wanted to do was run up to him and not let him go. Too bad he's apparently got a girlfriend now.
Overall today was not the day I wanted it to be and I still just want to tell him straight up how I'm feeling, but its not in me to do such things.
So, to all of you bloggers out there, I beseech thee, and ask: should I just man up and tell him? Or do I sit back and hope that he might still have feelings for me too?
Please please PLEASE let me know!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
So far so good... post #2 from me! Laura are you proud?
People today bug me. Why do they bug me? Well let me tell you the reasons why.
Reason #1: People smoking in a non smoking area right where I happen to be standing. Sorry people, but I prefer my lungs to remain clear and not be black.
Reason #2: People pushing past not only myself, but a little old lady while trying to get on the bus (yes i take the bus, don't judge.) This stupid girl pushed past everyone in front of her, probably because it was raining, but guess what.. we were all being rained on and that little old lady had a cane!
Reason #3: The pushy girl had friends who got on the bus and they were taking up the seats by the front of the bus, and a lady got on the bus with a stroller and her son and none of them would get up and give her a seat! The lady had to stand the whole way.
Today I am just not in a people kind of mood. Work sucked because well, because I had to be there.
It also didn't help that I had to walk home, which is an issue because I really can't walk that well, and to top it all off IT WAS RAINING! So walking home was not fun or quick OR dry.
There is one good thing about today, and that is that I get to have monday off so I can go see an orthopedic surgeon about my knee and hopefully get it fixed!
Well... for now this is it!
People today bug me. Why do they bug me? Well let me tell you the reasons why.
Reason #1: People smoking in a non smoking area right where I happen to be standing. Sorry people, but I prefer my lungs to remain clear and not be black.
Reason #2: People pushing past not only myself, but a little old lady while trying to get on the bus (yes i take the bus, don't judge.) This stupid girl pushed past everyone in front of her, probably because it was raining, but guess what.. we were all being rained on and that little old lady had a cane!
Reason #3: The pushy girl had friends who got on the bus and they were taking up the seats by the front of the bus, and a lady got on the bus with a stroller and her son and none of them would get up and give her a seat! The lady had to stand the whole way.
Today I am just not in a people kind of mood. Work sucked because well, because I had to be there.
It also didn't help that I had to walk home, which is an issue because I really can't walk that well, and to top it all off IT WAS RAINING! So walking home was not fun or quick OR dry.
There is one good thing about today, and that is that I get to have monday off so I can go see an orthopedic surgeon about my knee and hopefully get it fixed!
Well... for now this is it!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Challenges at 23!
Since I've turned the BIG 23 a lot has happened.
First off, I turned 23! Secondly, I got called as the Relief Society President!!!! Crazy I know. This is definately something I never really thought would happen to me, except for the 2 weeks before getting the calling I knew it was coming. Thirdly, running has ruined my life! I messed up my knee and the doctor I saw was stupid! It's been almost 2 weeks now the pain is just not letting up! stupid knee!!!
Now for the challenge that was not brought on by the inevitable... this challenge comes from the one and only Laura. What could this challenge be? Well, it's actually for me to blog everyday. Seeing that I have a hard time keeping up with the blog world, you can see that this will be challenge for me, but it is one that I am trying to succeed at.
So my blogs may be pointless and random, seeing that nothing too exciting happens in my life anymore. But I hope that you will all enjoy!
This summer may bring on some drama or some interesting stories that's for sure and all I can say is BRING THEM ON!
Well for blog post number 1 of this new challenge I feel was pretty decent. So I must get going because I have a lot of things I need to take care of for Sunday!
Peace Out Hommies!!
First off, I turned 23! Secondly, I got called as the Relief Society President!!!! Crazy I know. This is definately something I never really thought would happen to me, except for the 2 weeks before getting the calling I knew it was coming. Thirdly, running has ruined my life! I messed up my knee and the doctor I saw was stupid! It's been almost 2 weeks now the pain is just not letting up! stupid knee!!!
Now for the challenge that was not brought on by the inevitable... this challenge comes from the one and only Laura. What could this challenge be? Well, it's actually for me to blog everyday. Seeing that I have a hard time keeping up with the blog world, you can see that this will be challenge for me, but it is one that I am trying to succeed at.
So my blogs may be pointless and random, seeing that nothing too exciting happens in my life anymore. But I hope that you will all enjoy!
This summer may bring on some drama or some interesting stories that's for sure and all I can say is BRING THEM ON!
Well for blog post number 1 of this new challenge I feel was pretty decent. So I must get going because I have a lot of things I need to take care of for Sunday!
Peace Out Hommies!!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Oh My Life...
My life right now is:
Today I woke up with yet another sad thought in my head and in my heart... the one in my head was that my parents came home last night... yes I was glad that I didnt have to be home a lone anymore, and yes I did miss having them around, but theres always that feeling of still wanting the house to yourself because you can just do whatever you want and wear whatever you want and not have to worry about other people seeing or hearing you...
The sad thought was that today was my grammies birthday and she wasnt here to celebrate it. My grampie actually had a little birthday party for her, but we couldnt go because it was on the weekend and my parents were still away. It just made me think that I hope my grampie is handling it well. My dad called him today but I didnt want to ask how it went because my dad is an emotional person and I didnt want to see him cry because thats where I get it from and I know that I wouldve cried if he did.
Also today I was thinking about how much I love the fact that my parents buy me pretty things when they are away. My mom came into my room this morning and was carrying a really pretty coach purse. I love it!!!
Also I was thinking about how much I love my friends!!!! I CANNOT wait until this summer when I get to see Cortney for the first time in 2.5 years! It is going to be a sweet reunion!!
I was also thinking about Laura and how much I miss hanging out with her and how Im excited to get to hang out with her at Sarahs wedding this weekend! It shall be a blast.
Yesterday i had the opportunity to play around with my FAVORITE person in the ENTIRE world, and that was my niece lyla! It had been a little while since I last saw her and was sooo excited to see her at church. She looked super cute, as always, and was just funny. She kept hopping up and down and in the words of Laura, "it looks like shes having a verticle siezure" haha while hopping around she would just say "daddy" and when she had my camera she would hold it up to her face and say "cheese". Now I tried really hard to get her to say Nessa, but daddy and cheese was all I got... well I got that and one of her doggy kisses. Yes that is correct, my brother has taught her how to give doggy kisses. I cannot complain about it because that was something I did on a regular basis growing up. There were pictures taken, but I have been too tired to upload any since the year 2010 began, but I promise there will be some posted soon on face book.
Week 1 is complete for overnights, but there are plenty more where that came from. My schedule this week is WAY out of wack thats for sure....
Monday: 3pm-12am
Tuesday: 12am-9am(wednesday)
Wednesday: 9:30pm-2am (thursday)
Saturday 10:3oam-6pm
Seriously, I dont think Pat was paying much attention to sleeping patterns thats for sure.
This is why Im awake right now, because I want to stay up late so I can sleep all day tomorrow so that I wont be too tired for my midnight shift tomorrow.
But I still must be going because I have a phone call to make to my dear friend Eric who I havent talked to in a very long time and cant wait to hear from him!!
Therefore I must bid you all farewell and good night!
Today I woke up with yet another sad thought in my head and in my heart... the one in my head was that my parents came home last night... yes I was glad that I didnt have to be home a lone anymore, and yes I did miss having them around, but theres always that feeling of still wanting the house to yourself because you can just do whatever you want and wear whatever you want and not have to worry about other people seeing or hearing you...
The sad thought was that today was my grammies birthday and she wasnt here to celebrate it. My grampie actually had a little birthday party for her, but we couldnt go because it was on the weekend and my parents were still away. It just made me think that I hope my grampie is handling it well. My dad called him today but I didnt want to ask how it went because my dad is an emotional person and I didnt want to see him cry because thats where I get it from and I know that I wouldve cried if he did.
Also today I was thinking about how much I love the fact that my parents buy me pretty things when they are away. My mom came into my room this morning and was carrying a really pretty coach purse. I love it!!!
Also I was thinking about how much I love my friends!!!! I CANNOT wait until this summer when I get to see Cortney for the first time in 2.5 years! It is going to be a sweet reunion!!
I was also thinking about Laura and how much I miss hanging out with her and how Im excited to get to hang out with her at Sarahs wedding this weekend! It shall be a blast.
Yesterday i had the opportunity to play around with my FAVORITE person in the ENTIRE world, and that was my niece lyla! It had been a little while since I last saw her and was sooo excited to see her at church. She looked super cute, as always, and was just funny. She kept hopping up and down and in the words of Laura, "it looks like shes having a verticle siezure" haha while hopping around she would just say "daddy" and when she had my camera she would hold it up to her face and say "cheese". Now I tried really hard to get her to say Nessa, but daddy and cheese was all I got... well I got that and one of her doggy kisses. Yes that is correct, my brother has taught her how to give doggy kisses. I cannot complain about it because that was something I did on a regular basis growing up. There were pictures taken, but I have been too tired to upload any since the year 2010 began, but I promise there will be some posted soon on face book.
Week 1 is complete for overnights, but there are plenty more where that came from. My schedule this week is WAY out of wack thats for sure....
Monday: 3pm-12am
Tuesday: 12am-9am(wednesday)
Wednesday: 9:30pm-2am (thursday)
Saturday 10:3oam-6pm
Seriously, I dont think Pat was paying much attention to sleeping patterns thats for sure.
This is why Im awake right now, because I want to stay up late so I can sleep all day tomorrow so that I wont be too tired for my midnight shift tomorrow.
But I still must be going because I have a phone call to make to my dear friend Eric who I havent talked to in a very long time and cant wait to hear from him!!
Therefore I must bid you all farewell and good night!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Dear Stranger...
I know that when the sun is shinning it generally means that it is indeed day time. However, for me it is night time.
So I would like to ask of you one simple favor
Did you NOT get the hint the first time you knocked and I DIDNT answer??
I was trying to sleep, and because of you I only got a few hours of sleep before I had to go back to work.
So please, dont do it again because today I am REALLY tired.
Thank you kindly
So I would like to ask of you one simple favor
Did you NOT get the hint the first time you knocked and I DIDNT answer??
I was trying to sleep, and because of you I only got a few hours of sleep before I had to go back to work.
So please, dont do it again because today I am REALLY tired.
Thank you kindly
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Working overnights has really taken a lot out of me, but I LOVE doing them. Although, this week started out a little horribly... Why, do you ask? Well let me tell you...
Sunday I woke up at 9am after only a few hours of sleep and started to get ready for church. Then I came home and tried to sleep for a bit... well that didnt happen, so by 10pm I started to gather my things so that I could catch the 10:30pm bus to work. Well I decided it would be a good idea to actually check the sunday bus schedule, and well I came to find that I MISSED THE BUS!!! I was not impressed because there was a good chance that the 11pm bus wouldnt get me to the terminal in time to catch the connecting bus, which would be the LAST bus leaving to the mall that night. So I was terrified that I wouldnt get to work, and lately when I stress about things I get really sick... no I dont throw up, but I almost do. I dont like to get sick so I talk myself out of doing it. Thats why its been almost 8 years since I last threw up... but thats beside the point....
Sooo, work that night started off with Nikki(overnight manager), Leah, Taylor, Kyla, Julien, Sarah, Nathan, Brian, and myself. Well, Leah went home sick, then shortly after so did Julien. About an hour after they left I was putting together the new boys denim wall, and that meant putting in new shelves which are about 35lbs or so... I thought they were about 15lbs, but I was wrong. As I was putting a shelf up about 6.5ft It got stuck and I tried to fix it and it FELL ON MY FOOT! Yeah It hurt a lot... my foot is now blue!
Nikki was like "Ok, walk it off, No one else can go home tonight." It hurt all night...
I later said "watch one of us trip and get a concussion and wont be able to leave because we have so much to do."
Well... at about 4:30am didnt Kyla trip and dislocate her shoulder! The head construction guy Josh drove her to the hospital. We all felt sooo bad for her. Also we have been short handed all week because people keep getting sick and because Kylas out. We've done really well every night except last night. We got a little behind, but tonight we get to make up for that.
I'm sure you are all wondering (well maybe not all because Im really not sure if anyone reads this or not) what the surprise is...
Well, no one in my family knows...
Yes, its true. Ive decided it was time to go back.
Hopefully I get into the program I want...
What is this program and school Ive applied to??
NSCC Radio & Television Arts.
Its a 2 year program, and what I want to specialize in is Radio Performance & Studio Production.
Keep your fingers crossed!!!!
Sunday I woke up at 9am after only a few hours of sleep and started to get ready for church. Then I came home and tried to sleep for a bit... well that didnt happen, so by 10pm I started to gather my things so that I could catch the 10:30pm bus to work. Well I decided it would be a good idea to actually check the sunday bus schedule, and well I came to find that I MISSED THE BUS!!! I was not impressed because there was a good chance that the 11pm bus wouldnt get me to the terminal in time to catch the connecting bus, which would be the LAST bus leaving to the mall that night. So I was terrified that I wouldnt get to work, and lately when I stress about things I get really sick... no I dont throw up, but I almost do. I dont like to get sick so I talk myself out of doing it. Thats why its been almost 8 years since I last threw up... but thats beside the point....
Sooo, work that night started off with Nikki(overnight manager), Leah, Taylor, Kyla, Julien, Sarah, Nathan, Brian, and myself. Well, Leah went home sick, then shortly after so did Julien. About an hour after they left I was putting together the new boys denim wall, and that meant putting in new shelves which are about 35lbs or so... I thought they were about 15lbs, but I was wrong. As I was putting a shelf up about 6.5ft It got stuck and I tried to fix it and it FELL ON MY FOOT! Yeah It hurt a lot... my foot is now blue!
Nikki was like "Ok, walk it off, No one else can go home tonight." It hurt all night...
I later said "watch one of us trip and get a concussion and wont be able to leave because we have so much to do."
Well... at about 4:30am didnt Kyla trip and dislocate her shoulder! The head construction guy Josh drove her to the hospital. We all felt sooo bad for her. Also we have been short handed all week because people keep getting sick and because Kylas out. We've done really well every night except last night. We got a little behind, but tonight we get to make up for that.
I'm sure you are all wondering (well maybe not all because Im really not sure if anyone reads this or not) what the surprise is...
Well, no one in my family knows...
Yes, its true. Ive decided it was time to go back.
Hopefully I get into the program I want...
What is this program and school Ive applied to??
NSCC Radio & Television Arts.
Its a 2 year program, and what I want to specialize in is Radio Performance & Studio Production.
Keep your fingers crossed!!!!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Tender Mercies
Today is sunday. Normally sundays seem like a day where I can just be laid back and relaxed, but today was just not that way.
I havent been sleeping the best because of my work schedule, and so I woke up rather early and have to work tonight at midnight until 9am tomorrow.
I've been trying to take a nap but i just cant seem to be able to close my eyes long enough to fall asleep.
Also, this morning I woke up and all I could think about was my grammie and how much I miss her, and how much I wish she and I could've gotten to see each other more, and get to know each other better.
Today I was waiting outside of pres. moses's office because I needed to get my temple reccommend renewed and david schow came and sat down beside me. (he's a counselor in the branch presidency.)
He then proceeded to tell me how much he and his wife cared about the people in the branch but that they really cared about me and how they both were in the ysa prgram for a long time before they met each other and how they understand how sometimes it seems like the grass may be greener on the other side. but he then told me how if I ever wanted to talk or just hang out that I can call them or even go hang out at their house and not to feel awkward about it. then he said something that brought tears to his eyes and later to mine when he left... he said "Vanessa, I want you to know that you are not alone."
Although I didnt think there was anything wrong or that I needed to hear something so simple, I was wrong. I NEEDED to hear that.
Pres. Moses and I talked about that when I was in his office and of course he and I both got emotional.
Today was just an all around weird emotional day, but a day that I needed.
Today, Brother David Schow was MY tender mercy.
After these moments, Jessica (david's wife) told me how she wanted to hook me up with her brother who's at BYU: Provo. it was funny. she told me to creep him on facebook, and well I did! hahaha she wants him to come visit her here, and she also said that she wished I would be in calgary this summer, and well I told her how I would be!! so thats pretty cool. she also said that after she told ben to ask me/take me out that she realized it was a bad match and that she thinks me and her brother zach would get along great.
So like I said before... today was a weird day, but a great day. a day I am grateful for.
I havent been sleeping the best because of my work schedule, and so I woke up rather early and have to work tonight at midnight until 9am tomorrow.
I've been trying to take a nap but i just cant seem to be able to close my eyes long enough to fall asleep.
Also, this morning I woke up and all I could think about was my grammie and how much I miss her, and how much I wish she and I could've gotten to see each other more, and get to know each other better.
Today I was waiting outside of pres. moses's office because I needed to get my temple reccommend renewed and david schow came and sat down beside me. (he's a counselor in the branch presidency.)
He then proceeded to tell me how much he and his wife cared about the people in the branch but that they really cared about me and how they both were in the ysa prgram for a long time before they met each other and how they understand how sometimes it seems like the grass may be greener on the other side. but he then told me how if I ever wanted to talk or just hang out that I can call them or even go hang out at their house and not to feel awkward about it. then he said something that brought tears to his eyes and later to mine when he left... he said "Vanessa, I want you to know that you are not alone."
Although I didnt think there was anything wrong or that I needed to hear something so simple, I was wrong. I NEEDED to hear that.
Pres. Moses and I talked about that when I was in his office and of course he and I both got emotional.
Today was just an all around weird emotional day, but a day that I needed.
Today, Brother David Schow was MY tender mercy.
After these moments, Jessica (david's wife) told me how she wanted to hook me up with her brother who's at BYU: Provo. it was funny. she told me to creep him on facebook, and well I did! hahaha she wants him to come visit her here, and she also said that she wished I would be in calgary this summer, and well I told her how I would be!! so thats pretty cool. she also said that after she told ben to ask me/take me out that she realized it was a bad match and that she thinks me and her brother zach would get along great.
So like I said before... today was a weird day, but a great day. a day I am grateful for.
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Since becoming one of the supervisors at work, i've come to realize that the nicname it was dubbed while working in edmonton "Old Slavery" is a PERFECT fit.
There never seems to be a day when i'm off. Mostly because if i'm not at work, i'm dreaming about it when I sleep... NOT FUN!
We are under going renovations right now and the last 2 nights i've done overnight shifts; one of which was a 12.5 hour shift! It was insane, but also one of the fastest shifts i've ever had.
Next week I work SUN-THURS 12am-9am.
The best part is that I can wear whatever I want because the store is never opened when i'm there!!
Sleep patterns are rather out of wack right now, and right now its techinacally night time for me.
Question of the day:
I DO!!!
It was a bit of an adventure to find it this morning, but alas, michelle and I found it!

Mine, however, is the collector's edition that is in a tin case and comes with my very own Edward figurine! I was pretty excited for that!!
What else am I excited for??
JUNE 30TH!!!
So, I officially have been offered my EFY contracts for both weeks, and I've been in debate about doing it for a little while now.
Do I love EFY? YES
Is it fun and awesome? YES
I just dont know what to do about it.
Cortney will be home for the summer so I will get to see her for the first time in about 2.5 years so thats awesome. I guess i'm just nervous about going to efy when I know that I might not know anyone there this year.
Last year I was lucky and my dearest friend Laura went as well, so I had her there to hang with and stuff... now she will not be there this year.
I guess I will wait and see how I feel in a few days because I need to make a decision.
Well, its off to bed for me now so I will talk to you later!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
I Miss YOU!
Today I woke and all I could think about was YOU!
I miss you a lot today.
There are times when I'm ok with everything, But then there are times when all I want to do is have you back.
You are my favorite!
I know I shouldnt pick favorites, but I did.
I love you!!!

Grammie, I miss you & love you. I know you are in a better place and you arent in pain anymore, but I am a selfish person sometimes and wish you were still alive.
Grampie, I hope that you are doing OK without her! I love you both!
I miss you a lot today.
There are times when I'm ok with everything, But then there are times when all I want to do is have you back.
You are my favorite!
I know I shouldnt pick favorites, but I did.
I love you!!!

Grammie, I miss you & love you. I know you are in a better place and you arent in pain anymore, but I am a selfish person sometimes and wish you were still alive.
Grampie, I hope that you are doing OK without her! I love you both!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
I thought that i would be able to stay away, and well for a while there I actually did.
Why did I decided to come back on here?
Im not entirely sure.
I guess its because I was looking over some of my EFY things and came across a song I re-wrote for someone there, and it made me think that I miss writing.
So here I am, back in the blogging sphere.
Heres a brief update to how things have been:
- ben left & isn't coming back (surprise surprise. I liked him of course he wasnt coming back.)
- my phone, my NEW phone, that I got in december has now broken for the THIRD time! yes thats right, it has broken 3 times! I am not impressed.
- I've been working like crazy because of renovations, and well I'm kinda tired of it... NEW JOB PLEASE!
- my parents are going on vacay again soon... GIRLS NIGHT PLEASE!!!
- I cant wait for the summer to get started, BUT would like to skip over my whole turning 23 in may part ok?..ok!
- I've become obsessed with TWO things... well 1 thing & 1 person...


yes, yes I KNOW he is american, but I LOVE HIM!!
thats all...
Why did I decided to come back on here?
Im not entirely sure.
I guess its because I was looking over some of my EFY things and came across a song I re-wrote for someone there, and it made me think that I miss writing.
So here I am, back in the blogging sphere.
Heres a brief update to how things have been:
- ben left & isn't coming back (surprise surprise. I liked him of course he wasnt coming back.)
- my phone, my NEW phone, that I got in december has now broken for the THIRD time! yes thats right, it has broken 3 times! I am not impressed.
- I've been working like crazy because of renovations, and well I'm kinda tired of it... NEW JOB PLEASE!
- my parents are going on vacay again soon... GIRLS NIGHT PLEASE!!!
- I cant wait for the summer to get started, BUT would like to skip over my whole turning 23 in may part ok?..ok!
- I've become obsessed with TWO things... well 1 thing & 1 person...


yes, yes I KNOW he is american, but I LOVE HIM!!
thats all...
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